Answer: NO.
Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters Company Profile

Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters is a collection agency located in Pasadena, MD. They have been in business since 1983.
Address: 8028 Ritchie Hwy #300, Pasadena, MD 21122
Phone Number: (800) 899-2424
Years in Business: 37 years as of 2020
Business Started: 1983
Business Started Locally: Pasadena, MD
Business Incorporated: Yes
Type of Entity: Corporation
Doing Business As: Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters, The Steve Peroutka Law Group, P.A., Steve Peroutka Law Group, P.A.
Company Reviews

What do we know about Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters?
No current reports of legal action taken against Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters have been reported to Sue the Collector. We have not found any open cases against Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters for FDCPA violations at this time.

If you -or anyone you know- have had Peroutka, Miller, Klima & Peters or any other collection agency, violate your consumer rights let Sue the Collector help you!
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