If your answer is yes, beware! We have found cases against Hillcrest Credit Agency for Fair Debt Collections Practices Act violations.
We have found a history cases filed against Hillcrest Credit Agency for the following FDCPA Violations:
- Not updating credit bureau’s when debts are settled
- Inaccurate debt totals reported
- Did not update credit bureau’s after debt has been settled
If you feel that Hillcrest Credit Agency have misrepresented your debt to credit bureau’s, then you have a potential case against them. Below are samples of open cases that other consumers, just like you, have filed against them!
Party Name | Case Number | Case Title |
Hillcrest Credit Agency | 6:2018cv00290 | Askins v. Hillcrest Credit Agency |
Hillcrest Credit Agency | 5:2019cv00297 | Marr v. Hillcrest Credit Agency et al |
Hillcrest Credit Agency | 1:2013ap01050 | Daniels and Hillcrest Credit Agency |
Collector Company Profile

Their client base includes hospitals, physicians, dentists, chiropractors, veterinarians, utility companies, waste disposal companies, and financial institutions. They are licensed in Kentucky and Tennessee.
1953 Scottsville Road, Suite 100 Bowling Green, KY 42104-2220
PO Box 2220 Bowling Green, KY 42102-2220
Phone Number: (270) 745-1470
Other Numbers Used: 800-240-3181
Email: HCA@chc.net
Years in Business:
Business Started: 9/19/1994
Business Incorporated: Unknown
Type of Entity: Unknown
Website: http://hillcrestcreditagency.com/
Doing Business As: Creditor
Other names: None
If you -or anyone you know- have had Hillcrest Credit Agency, or any other collection agency, violate your consumer rights let Sue the Collector help you! Sign up today for your Free Consultation Survey! Our expert legal team will review your information and will help you determine if you have a case against your debt collector… at no cost to you!